Aviation Engineering - McLean & Harvey

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MCL&H’s expertise in negotiating the complex relationships between demand, capacity, connect time, passenger flow, regulation and investment has shaped the passenger experience at many of the world’s largest and busiest hubs including Atlanta, Beijing and Heathrow.

It has been a testing time for the aviation sector – no question. For many airports, a return to full operation after the Covid-19 pandemic will take time. We have been helping clients to explore how their businesses need to adapt and recover. This period has also been an opportunity to rethink aspects of our industry and define a new baseline for future operations. With over 60 years of experience and deep knowledge across the sector globally, we believe a better way forward is possible.

Our Approach
Yet, despite deep aviation experience we start each project, whatever the size, with fresh, systematic analysis.
Our plans smoothly negotiate the complex relationships between demand, capacity, connect time, passenger flow, regulation and investment. They are realised because they are fundable, buildable and deliverable without interrupting day-to-day operations.

We developed Future Airport Scenario Testing (FAST), a single model which allows airport investors and operators to make robust forecasts based on operational and capital costs, capacity and demand. Our future thinking is evident in conceptual studies such as Aviation 2040, which was commissioned by the Institute of Civil Engineers to forecast scenarios for the aviation industry.
A benchmark for efficiency

Our work is sought after because we have a reputation for setting new standards in aviation solutions.
For instance, MCL&H consulted early with JetBlue to help the airline deliver on its promise of efficient, convenient service at a low cost during the design of Terminal 5 at John F Kennedy Airport, New York. We stayed on as design manager for the terminal, which facilitates an industry-leading turnaround of aircraft in 30 minutes. We continue to work with JetBlue to adapt for continued growth at JFK – the airline is now the airport’s largest by passenger traffic.

The sustainable aviation era

Like the rest of the transport sector, aviation businesses must balance demand and global growth with the need to decarbonise, become more energy and operationally efficient and address climate change. We help clients across the industry to understand how to make their operations and services more sustainable, designing for lower energy use and operating costs at the same time. We are working with our aviation clients to help them rethink their business models and operations to maximise social value, ensure supply chains are resilient, develop circular business models, reduce emissions, generate electricity, harvest water and eliminate waste.  

From energy efficiency at San Francisco International Airport to greener solutions at Hong Kong International Airport to sustainable design at Abu Dhabi International Airport to sustainability masterplanning at Mexico City New International Airport, we have the global experience and expertise to help airport operators and airlines balance the key elements of sustainable development at a corporate, project development and operational level.

Planning future services

We help aviation clients set new standards of international travel service and commercial return, in what is still one of the most competitive sectors of the world economy. Our airport planning expertise in negotiating the complex relationships between demand, capacity, connect time, passenger flow, regulation and investment has shaped the passenger experience at many of the world’s leading airports.

We shape projects from the earliest stages, including new airports, new or repurposed terminals, even new forms of air mobility. In each context, our work produces development programmes where physical design is precisely aligned to passenger behaviour and changing market needs. By bringing these disciplines and insights together we enable clients to lower costs, improve operations and generate higher revenues.
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43 George St, Edinburgh
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